Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
- Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Communications and Journalism, Animal Sciences and Industry
- Summa cum laude
Work Experience
Charleston|Orwig Account Executive
- Develop and present marketing communications plans and projects with a cross-functional team that align with client strategy and budget — including creative, digital, media and public relations
- Oversee budgets and project work completion against timelines for three client teams totaling over $2 million
- Compose creative briefs for project collateral and oversee execution
- Write social media content, press releases, placed editorial articles and website copy for three client accounts meeting deadlines
- Coordinate public relations functions for clients including release
Grant Company Communications Coordinator
- Authored feature stories, advertorials, radio scripts and press releases to support communications and marketing efforts
- Edited video and audio news releases as well as :30 video advertisements for social media
Kansas Dairy Intern
- Contribute to rebranding project and redesign of The Dairy Dispatch
- Edit, write, manage advertisements and design The Dairy Dispatch
- Design and edit the Kansas All-Breeds Junior Dairy Show book
- Manage the Kansas Dairy website and social media
Certified Angus Beef, LLC Producer Communications Intern
- Write feature stories for supply development team
- Prepare news releases about industry occurences
Wisconsin Holstein Association Summer Intern
- Wrote breeder profiles for The Wisconsin Holstein News with a circulation of 2,500
- Attended district and state shows representing association and acting as show photographer
- Coordinated with host farm for the annual WHA State Picnic that had over 400 attendees
- Transferred and redesigned association website; managed social media
Kansas Department of Agriculture Marketing Intern
- Record interviews and script 12 one minute radio commercials
- Design graphics and brochures
- Write feature story about From the Land of Kansas Farm Winery Tour
Seiler Dairy
- Milk, feed and care for 150 cows and 80 bulls and heifers
- Help keep records on and register the herd
Kansas Agrability Student Worker
- Web design and management for Servicemember Agriculture Veteran Education Farm
- Design online surveys
Other Experiences
K-State Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow Club President
- Lead officers in planning club activities during the year
- Preside at club meetings and work with team members to ensure tasks get accomplished
- Communicate with members and officers weekly through email
National Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow Vice President
- Organize National Critique and Contest competition
- Serve as part of officer team and help make decisions about the future of the National Organization
K-State Study Abroad
- Ten-day trip studying Irish agriculture
- Visit Irish dairy farm, beef farm, beef feeder operation, sheep farm, horse stable
- Visit three Irish journalism schools, the Irish Farmers Journal, Bord Bia (state agricultural marketing agency)
K-State Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow Club Vice President of Development
- Organize professional development meetings and contact speakers
- Serve as part of officer team and help make decisions about club events and activities
K-State National Agri-Marketing Association
- 2017 Team and presenter
- NAMA marketing executive summary and presentation script writing
K-State Dairy Science Club Treasurer
- Manage club accounts and report on earnings and expenses
- Serve as part of officer team and help make decisions on club events and activities
K-State Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow Club Public Relations Director
- Managed and created content for three club social media platforms
- Informed members and student body about events and meetings
Kansas State University Coursework
- Wrote stories and designed ads and page layouts for The Agriculturist student magazine
- Design a marketing plan for an agriculture product launch
- Designed a strategic communication plan on a campus health issue
- Wrote and filmed a short video on agriculture
Volunteer Experiences
Kansas 4-H Dairy Action Team Member
- Assist in planning of the annual Kansas All-Breeds Junior Dairy Show
- Take notes at action team meetings as secretary
- Write rules for State 4-H Dairy photo contest
Kansas 4-H
- Judge Poster and Logo Contest at 2016 and 2017 State Horse Panorama contest
- Help organize store room at Rock Springs 4-H Ranch with 48 Hours of 4-H
- Adult volunteer at 2015 Sedgwick County 4-H Summer Camp
Clubs and Activities
K-State Dairy Cattle Judging Team – 2016
K-State College of Agriculture Ambassador – 2015-2017
K-State Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow Club – 2014-2017
K-State Dairy Science Club – 2014- 2017
K-State National Agri-Marketing Association – 2015-2017
K-State Meat Judging Team – 2015
Special Awards & Recognition
Livestock Publications Council Forrest Bassford Travel Award Recipient – 2017
K-State College of Agriculture Student of the Year – 2017
National Dairy Shrine DMI Dairy Products Marketing Scholarship – 2017
National Holstein Association Distinguished Junior Member Semifinalist – 2017
National Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow Critique and Contest Web Design Award Winner – 2016
Intercollegiate All-American Dairy Judge World Dairy Expo – 2016
National Holstein Women’s Scholarship Organization scholarship recipient – 2016
National Dairy Shrine DMI Education and Communication scholarship recipient – 2016
Kansas Dairy Commission Scholarship recipient – 2015
International Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest High Reasons Team – 2015
Kansas State University Putnam Scholarship Recipient – 2014
Sedgwick County Farm Bureau Scholarship – 2014
Graduated May 2018​
September 2018-Present
May 2018-August 2018
2014-May 2018
January 2018- May 2018
May 2017-August 2017
May 2016-August 2016