Writing is something I do each and every day. Most of those days its drafting emails, but sometimes it's crafting social media copy, ghost writing technical articles for clients or drafting press releases. My passion for writing began with my time as a reporter for my high school newspaper, The Flyer. At K-State, I was able to improve my writing skills as a reporter for The Collegian, The Agriculturist and as the communications intern for Kansas Dairy. Below is a sample of my current and collegiate work.
Technical Articles

Calves and clostridia: Protecting your future herd
Progressive Dairy | August 3, 2019
It’s one of those moments on the dairy that makes all the stress and worry dissipate. As the still damp newborn heifer tries once, twice and finally succeeds on the third attempt to stand, there’s an overwhelming feeling of hope and optimism for the future.
The last thing on your mind is the obscure bacteria lurking in the shadows.

Don’t be fooled by these five mycotoxin myths
Progressive Dairy Canada | May 31, 2019
Mycotoxin contamination, caused by molds and fungi that appear in feed, is an urgent concern in dairy rations across the country this year. A recent mycotoxin report warns that contamination levels in the 2018 crop present a medium-to-high risk to livestock.
Feature Stories

Carrying on Tradition
The Pulse | Fall 2018
It's an early morning routine Dallas Cornelius knows well. Returning from the milk barn to the smell of coffee, he and his wife, Debbie, eat breakfast and enjoy some quiet time together as light begins to filter through the trees.
"It's my favorite time of day," Dallas explains. "The early lactation group of cows have just finished milking in the parlor, and I think to myself, 'this is why I do what I do'."

From the Swamp Pantry Floor
High Plains Journal | March 24, 2018
Growing up the son of a French-speaking fur trapper in the swamps of Louisiana was the best education Chef John Folse could have asked for. Isolated from grocery stores and surrounded by what his father called “the swamp floor pantry,” the boy learned how to cook at the apron strings of grandmas, grandpas and Cajun trappers. He also picked up a canon law that would influence the rest of his life.
“There was a code the trappers had, that whatever you caught and took the furs and skins to sell, you ate,” Folse says. “You respected the animal.”

Southside Scoops
The Agriculturist | Spring 2018
For many students and alumni, a double scoop of purple pride in a waffle cone brings to mind fond memories of college afternoons spent at Kansas State University. Since Call Hall’s 1964 debut, the only place to get purple pride was in the Call Hall Dairy Bar on the north side of campus, but as of August the blueberry ice cream is also available on the south side of campus.

A New Page in Aggieville's History
The Collegian | March 7, 2017
Honorable Mention Feature Writing - 2018 Kansas Collegiate Media
Students at K-State woke up Thursday to news that a fire in Aggieville had caused damage to The Dusty Bookshelf at 700 N. Manhattan Ave.
As The Collegian reported last week, the fire was caused by the “self-heating” of a wood stain being used in the remodeling of the building by owners Diane Meredith and her husband. The fire caused $822,000 in damage to the building and its neighbors, Varsity Donuts and Thread, both of which are again open for business.
News Stories

Sigma Alpha raises funds for fire victims
The Collegian | March 31, 2017
After March fires burned more than 1 million acres across parts of Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado and Kansas, support for Kansas farmers and ranchers in Clark, Comanche and Meade counties has continued to pour in from across the country.
On a more local level, Kansas State’s Sigma Alpha sorority has worked to raise money for the ranchers through a T-shirt sale campaign, said Sydney Bigger, senior in animal sciences and industry and fundraising chair for Sigma Alpha. Proceeds from sales of the shirts, which will say, “Praying for the Plains,” will be sent to the affected ranchers.